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International and European shipping
Free Shipping for Orders over 69€ - Shipping within 24 hours

Free Shipping for Orders over 69€ - Shipping within 24 hours

Cookie Policy

Under the legislation on the protection of personal data (Legislative Decree no. 196/03 and subsequent amendments) and with the entry into force of EU Regulation 2016/679 (also known as GDPR), this website is required to provide information regarding its cookie policy in order to disclose the procedures followed for the collection, through cookies and/or other tracking technologies, of information provided by users.

Important Information about Consent

By using this website or receiving our emails that link to this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy.

Definition and Purpose - What are Cookies

Web pages do not have mnemonic function. As you navigate from one page to another on a website, you will not be recognized as the same user on each page. A cookie is a small text file that stores some information about your browsing. Cookies allow the website to recognize you as a unique user. They are sent by the website to your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, notebook, etc.), stored, and then retransmitted on your next visit.

Cookies are essential for the functioning of the Internet and ensure more efficient operation of the website, enhancing the browsing experience, for example:

  • by remembering the settings entered, so you do not have to modify them every time you access a new page;
  • by storing the information entered (e.g., username, language, browser type, etc.).

For more information on cookies and privacy, you can consult the documentation on the Garante della Privacy website at the following link: Access to and navigation of the Site express your consent to receive cookies.

Types of Cookies

Regarding this matter, and for the purposes of this provision, two macro-categories are identified: 'technical' cookies and 'profiling' cookies.

  • Technical Cookies
    Technical cookies are used solely for 'carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or insofar as this is strictly necessary to the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide the service' (cf. Article 122, paragraph 1, of the Code).
    They are not used for further purposes and are normally installed directly by the owner or operator of the website. They can be divided into navigation or session cookies, which ensure the normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate to access reserved areas); analytics cookies, assimilated to technical cookies when used directly by the website operator to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the website itself; functionality cookies, which allow the user to browse according to a series of selected criteria (e.g., language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided to the user.
    For the installation of these cookies, the prior consent of users is not required, while the obligation to provide information pursuant to Article 13 of the Code remains, which the website operator, if he/she only uses such devices, may provide in the manner he/she deems most appropriate.
  • Third-party Tracking Cookies
    Cookies of this type are used to collect information about the use of the website by visitors, the keywords used to reach the site, the websites visited, and the traffic sources from which visitors come for marketing campaigns. The owner may use this information to compile reports and improve the Site. Cookies collect information anonymously. Cookies of this type are sent from the Site itself or from third-party domains.
  • Cookies for Third-Party Functionality Integration
    Cookies of this type are used to integrate third-party functionalities into the Site (e.g., comment modules or social network icons that allow visitors to share the content of the site). Cookies in this category may be sent from partner domains or from domains that offer the functionalities present on the site.
  • Profiling Cookies
    Profiling cookies are aimed at creating user profiles and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while browsing the Internet. Due to the particular invasiveness that such devices may have in the private sphere of users, European and Italian legislation provides that the user must be adequately informed about their use and give their valid consent.
    Article 122 of the Code refers to them where it provides that 'the storage of information in the terminal equipment of a contracting party or user or access to information already stored are only permitted on condition that the contracting party or user has given his/her consent after being informed with the simplified methods referred to in Article 13, paragraph 3' (Article 122, paragraph 1, of the Code).
Cookie Duration

Some cookies are automatically deleted at the end of the browsing session, while others remain stored on terminals, usually hosted in the browser used (e.g., Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.). Cookies can have two types of duration:

  • Temporary Cookies
    Temporary cookies (or session cookies) are removed from the computer when the browser is closed. They are used to store temporary information, such as items in the shopping cart. Almost all cookies on viewed websites are session cookies whose activity ends when you close your Internet browser.
  • Persistent Cookies
    Persistent cookies are stored on users' computers or other devices during a browsing session, but remain on the computer or other device after the end of that browsing session. Persistent cookies serve various functions in the interest of users (they are used to store information, such as login names and passwords, to prevent users from having to re-enter them each time they visit a specific site). They can remain stored on the device for a variable period of time, but in any case determined based on the function they are performing.

These two types of cookies (session and persistent) can in turn be 'first-party' and 'third-party'.
When we talk about first-party cookies, we mean cookies transmitted by the owners of websites. When we talk about third-party cookies, we mean cookies transmitted by third parties, therefore set by a website other than the one currently being visited. The latter fall under the direct and exclusive responsibility of the third-party manager.
You can delete all cookies from your browser at any time. However, permanently disabling all cookies may affect navigation difficulties or, sometimes, the inability to use some features of the Site.

Use of Cookies

We use cookies to offer you what you want in the simplest and fastest way possible. We organize the information obtained from thousands of visits and analyze it globally. This type of analysis is aimed at identifying trends among the many users who visit our Site.

Our Site uses the following types of cookies:

  • Technical Cookies
    We want to offer an easy-to-use Site that adapts to your needs. To do this, we use navigation cookies to allow you to view our website, making it work properly. These cookies are essential for the correct functioning of our Site.
  • Analytical Cookies
    We may use third-party analytical cookies to better understand how our purchasers use the website, to understand what works and what doesn't, to optimize and improve the website, and to ensure that it is always engaging for users. The data we obtain includes the pages visited, the type of platform used, information about date and time, and data such as the number of clicks on a specific page, the words searched, and the texts entered during the use of the Site.

In the specific case of Google Analytics cookies, you can disable them by installing the browser add-on available by clicking on the link below.
Browser add-on to disable Google Analytics

Deleting Cookies

Most Internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies automatically. You can change these settings to block cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent to your device. There are various ways to manage cookies. You can refer to the instruction manual or help screen of your browser to find out how to adjust or change the settings. On different devices (e.g., computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.), you must ensure that each browser on each device is set to reflect your cookie preferences.

Managing Cookies

Users can independently manage the activation or deactivation of cookies in their browser. It is important to know that disabling cookies may not allow the website to function correctly.

Click on the links below to see how to manage cookies on the most common browsers:

Consent for the use of cookies

This website does not use profiling cookies. Therefore, according to current legislation, it is not required to request consent for technical and analytical cookies as they are necessary to provide the services offered.

Changes to this Cookie Policy

We may make changes to this Cookie Policy. Please check the version number at the bottom of this page for the latest revision of this Cookie Policy. All changes made will take effect as soon as the revised version of this Cookie Policy is published on the website.


For any questions, comments, or doubts regarding this Website's Cookie Policy, you can contact us via email.

Cookie Policy Version and Date

Version 22.4.8
Last updated December 23, 2022